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There is a lot difference and improvement in various aspects of life, after I associated myself with Vedadhara and their activities. So much of positivity, sensitivity, patience and prosperity have entered my life. My heartfelt gratitude for all your invaluable efforts in helping me attain all ofΒ this.Β πŸ™πŸ» -user_h8kxy

You guys are doing great work for the revival of hinduism by supporting vedic gurukuls πŸ™ -Abhinav Reddy

Guruji's teachings are an authority on Hindu scriptures, we apreciate your wisdom πŸ™ -Puja Ravindran

πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸ™πŸ™ The Lotus flower blooms at Sunrise every morning to spread its fragrance and beauty all around.So is VedaDhara to its followers spreading Spiritual Knowledge through its messages and Divine vibrations all over through its chants.Dhanyosmi. -Hema Raghavan

Vedadhara's cntent is both authorative and easy to grasp, thank you πŸ™ -Karthik Prabhu

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Knowledge Bank

Rewa in Mahabharata

Rewa city of north-eastern Madhya Pradesh was the captal of a kingdom called Karusha during Mahabharta times. Its king, Dantavakra was killed by Krishna. Sahadeva has also conquered Rewa.

Rigveda and the Speed of Light

The Rigveda, one of the oldest known texts, contains a hymn (1.50.4) that speaks of the speed of light. It mentions that sunlight travels 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha. Translating this to modern measurements, it remarkably approximates the speed of light.


Sutas are narrators of Puranas. Who was the first Suta ?

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