Rewa city of north-eastern Madhya Pradesh was the captal of a kingdom called Karusha during Mahabharta times. Its king, Dantavakra was killed by Krishna. Sahadeva has also conquered Rewa.
The Rigveda, one of the oldest known texts, contains a hymn (1.50.4) that speaks of the speed of light. It mentions that sunlight travels 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha. Translating this to modern measurements, it remarkably approximates the speed of light.
What Is Chit Shakti?
Learn the meaning of Devi's name, Chit-shakti which is there in Lalitha Sahasranama. ....
Click here to know more..Hanuman Mantra to Remove Evil, Overcome Enemies, and Accomplish Success
Hanuman Mantra to Remove Evil, Overcome Enemies and Accomplish Success ....
Click here to know more..Meenakshi Manimala Ashtaka Stotram
madhuraapuranaayike namaste madhuraalaapishukaabhiraamahaste . malayadhvajapaand'yaraajakanye mayi meenaakshi kri'paam' vidhehi dhanye ......
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