No. They are not the same. Jatayu is Garuda's brother's son. Garuda is Mahavishnu's vehicle. Jatayu was the falcon king who attacked Ravana when he was abducting Seetha Devi.
Yoga Vasistha has 1,146 verses in the Vairagya prakarana, 807 in the Mumukshu vyavahara prakarana, 6,304 verses in the Utpatti prakarana, 2,414 verses in the Sthiti prakarana, 4,322 in the Upashama prakarana, and 14,296 verses in the Nirvana prakarana adding up to a total of 29,289 verses.
After a few years the wife will develop motherly affection towards her husband
Chandram Bhaja Manasa
adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram. hri'dayam madhuram gamanam madhuram mathuraadhipaterakhilam madhuram. vachanam ma....
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