According to Narada-bhakti-sutra.14, a devotee doesn't have to give up the family; only the outlook towards the family changes. He can continue taking care of the family as a duty ordained by Bhagavan. It is possible that this activity may drop on its own one day.
The story behind Ganesha's broken tusk varies. One version from the Mahabharata states that Ganesha broke his tusk to use it as a pen to write the epic dictated by Vyasa. Another version mentions that Ganesha broke his tusk in a fight with Parashurama, another avatar of Vishnu.
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Kalabhairava Stuti
khad'gam kapaalam d'amarum trishoolam hastaambuje sandadhatam trinetram. digambaram bhasmavibhooshitaangam namaamyaham bhairavaminduchood'am. kavitvad....
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