The core beliefs of Sanatana Dharma are: 1. The belief in a single, eternal, and all-pervading reality, which is often referred to as Brahman. 2. The belief in the soul (atman), which is the individual expression of Brahman. 3. The belief in reincarnation, the process by which the soul is reborn into a new body after death. 4. The belief in karma, the law of cause and effect, which governs the cycle of reincarnation. 5. The goal of moksha, liberation from the cycle of reincarnation and union with Brahman.
Guru Nanak. Many scholars consider him as a Bhakti Saint. Guru Granth Sahib gives suggestions about how a Sikh can constantly practice bhkati. Sikhism professes nirguni bhakti.
Do you know what exactly is meant by vasana?
Why Are Hindu Scriptures Sometimes Contradictory?
This audio discourse which is part of Bhagavata series tells you how Hindu scriptures sometimes apparently contradict each other.....
Click here to know more..Bhayaharaka Shiva Stotram
vyomakesham kaalakaalam vyaalamaalam paraatparam| devadevam prapanno'smi katham me jaayate bhayam| shoolahastam kri'paapoornam vyaaghracharmaambaram s....
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