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Oh wow! Wonderful! -Rasika Baghel

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Your teachings on Hindu scriptures are clear and authoritative -Adrija

Jai sri man narayan this website is simply great dhanyawad -Krishan Prasad

I have been. folowing your activities and supporting on often. Keep up this good work -Prakash N Bhat

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Knowledge Bank

What is the Hindu term for cosmic egg?

The cosmic egg is called Brahmanda or Hiranyagarbha in Hindu scriptures.

Aditya Hridayam often misinterpreted

The first two verses of Aditya Hridaya Stotram are often misinterpreted. It is portrayed that Sri Rama was tired and worried on the battlefield and that was when Agastya gave him upadesha of Aditya Hridayam. Agastya had come to the battlefield to watch the Rama - Ravana yuddha along with other Devas. What did he see? Yuddha parishrantam Ravanam - Ravana who was exhausted completely. Samare chintaya sthitam Ravanam - It was Ravana who was worried. He had enough reason to be wrorried because his defeat had by then become certain. This is clear because just before that, his charioteer had managed to take him away from the battlefield to save him from Sri Rama. Then Ravana insisted that he should be taken back to the battlefield to save his reputation.


Where did Lord Krishna spend his childhood ?

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