Ganapathy Homa + Aikyamatya Sukta Homa +Shukra Shanti Homa + Mangal Shanti Homa



This Homa can be performed praying healthy and affectionate relationship between husband and wife.

Ganapathy Homa + Aikyamatya Sukta Homa + shukra Shanti Homa + Mangal Shanti Homa.

We do this Homa every day.

You can select the frequency as you want.

  • Just once on a date of your choice
  • Once a week on Fridays for a few weeks
  • Once a month on your nakshatra / any other day for a few months.


Suggested frequency

  • Perform on 11 Fridays
  • Perform on 21 Fridays
  • Perform on 51 Fridays
  • Perform on 7 consecutive days whenever the issue is intense.


Why we suggest repeating the Puja


A Puja can either be conducted as a detailed ceremony once or as brief, repeated pujas over a period.

Repeating Vedic Pujas can be more effective than performing an elaborate puja just once, you can consider the following points:

  • Repetition Reinforces Intentions: Repetition helps reinforce your  intentions, creating a stronger spiritual connection over time. It can deepen your focus and commitment, amplifying the puja''s impact.
  • Building Spiritual Discipline: Repeated pujas contribute to the development of spiritual discipline, fostering a sense of dedication and devotion.
  • Incremental Accumulation of Positive Energy: Repeating pujas regularly can lead to a gradual accumulation of positive energy, creating a sustained and heightened spiritual atmosphere. The cumulative effect of repeated pujas can result in a more profound impact on the individual's l well-being.
  • Consistent Alignment with Cosmic Rhythms: Vedic pujas often align with cosmic rhythms, and regular practice ensures continuous alignment with these cosmic forces, enhancing the ritual's effectiveness. Repetition can synchronize your energy with the natural cycles, creating a harmonious resonance.
  • Strengthening Spiritual Resonance: Repeated pujas create a resonance within you fostering a harmonious connection with the spiritual realm. Regular engagement helps in attuning the individual to the subtle energies involved in the puja, leading to a more potent spiritual experience. 
  • Cultivating Patience and Perseverance: The discipline of repeated pujas fosters patience and perseverance, essential qualities for growth.


Please note -

  1. This is a Puja done with public participation and not exclusively for you.
  2. When you enroll, you are also making a part contribution towards the conduct of this Homa.
  3. All daily Homas are performed in a single session, one after another. Watch the video below to know how the daily Homa is performed.
  4. Videos of Pujas will be available for viewing Videos section once they are uploaded. Look for the video of your puja date under the Live or Videos tab. This is subject to technical factors.
  5. Sankalpa will not be shown in the video. This is because your privacy and confidentiality of your personal prayers are important to us.
  6. Vibhuti prasada is sent by ordinary post within India.


Lord Ganesha is believed to be a remover of obstacles and a symbol of wisdom. In the context of marital harmony, people you can seek his blessings for a smooth and obstacle-free relationship, as well as for wisdom and understanding in resolving conflicts. 

In Vedic astrology, Venus is associated with love, and harmony. Its positive influence to enhances marital harmony by promoting affection, understanding, and compatibility between partners.

Pacifying the influence of Mars reduces conflict and enhances marital harmony. Mars is associated with aggression and impulsiveness, so calming its influence is believed to promote better communication and understanding between partners.

Aikyamatya Sukta Homa is a Vedic prayer for peace, like-mindedness, and cordial relations.


Frequent quarrels between husband and wife can have various negative impacts on individuals and their relationships. It's important to note that occasional disagreements are normal in any relationship, but frequent and intense conflicts can lead to several consequences:

  1. Emotional Distress: Constant arguments can result in emotional distress for both partners. It may lead to feelings of frustration, anger, sadness, anxiety, or even depression. Emotional well-being is crucial for a healthy relationship, and persistent conflicts can erode this.
  2. Communication Breakdown: Frequent quarrels may hinder effective communication between partners. If conflicts are not resolved constructively, it becomes difficult for the couple to express their needs, concerns, and emotions. This breakdown in communication can lead to a sense of alienation.
  3. Strained Relationship: Repeated conflicts can strain the overall relationship, creating a negative and hostile environment at home. This can impact the bond between partners, leading to a decreased sense of intimacy, trust, and connection.
  4. Impact on Children: If the couple has children, frequent quarrels can have a significant impact on them. Witnessing constant conflict can be distressing for children and may affect their emotional well-being, behavior, and development.
  5. Health Issues: Chronic stress resulting from constant quarrels can contribute to health problems for both partners. It may manifest in physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive issues, or sleep disturbances.
  6. Reduced Problem-Solving Abilities: Constant conflicts often hinder the ability of couples to work together to find solutions to their problems. This can lead to unresolved issues, further fueling the cycle of arguments.
  7. Deterioration of Trust: Repeated quarrels can erode trust between partners. Trust is a foundation of a healthy relationship, and when it's compromised, rebuilding it can be challenging.
  8. Impact on Mental Health: The emotional toll of frequent arguments can contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression for one or both partners.


Pray for -


  • Wisdom and Understanding: Pray for wisdom to understand the root causes of the conflicts, the emotions involved, and the factors contributing to the discord. Ask for insight into your own actions and feelings, as well as those of your partner.
  • Patience and Forgiveness: Seek patience to navigate through challenging times and forgiveness to let go of resentments and grudges. Pray for the ability to approach conflicts with a forgiving heart and to move forward without holding onto past grievances.
  • Strength and Resilience: Ask for the strength to endure difficult moments and the resilience to overcome challenges together. Pray for the emotional and mental fortitude needed to work through disagreements constructively.
  • Guidance for Communication: Pray for guidance on how to communicate effectively with your partner. Request the ability to express yourself clearly and to actively listen to your partner's perspective without judgment.
  • Healing and Reconciliation: Pray for healing within the relationship and the restoration of love and understanding. Ask for the grace to reconcile and rebuild the connection between you and your partner.
  • Grace to Change: If personal growth and change are needed, pray for the grace to recognize and address any harmful behaviors or attitudes. Seek the strength to make positive changes for the benefit of the relationship.
  • Support from Others: Request support from friends, family, or a religious community. Ask for guidance on seeking professional help if necessary, such as couples therapy or counseling. 


Say this prayer on the day of your puja -


Oh [add the name of your favorite God/Goddess here]

I come before you with a heavy heart, seeking guidance and strength in the face of challenges within my marriage. Our relationship is strained, and frequent quarrels have left us feeling lost and disconnected. I pray for your wisdom and understanding to help us see the root causes of our conflicts and the emotions that fuel them.

Grant us patience to navigate through these difficult times and the courage to forgive each other for the hurts we've caused. Help us approach our disagreements with open hearts, seeking resolution and understanding rather than holding onto resentment. Please provide us with the strength and resilience needed to overcome these challenges and emerge stronger as a couple.

Guide our communication, allowing us to express ourselves clearly and listen with empathy. May we find healing within our relationship and the grace to reconcile and rebuild the love and connection we once shared. If there are changes we need to make, grant us the awareness and strength to do so for the betterment of our relationship.

I am grateful for the positive aspects of our relationship, and I pray for the wisdom to focus on these strengths, even in the midst of difficulties. Surround us with a supportive community, whether it be friends, family, and help us seek professional help if necessary.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

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