Ganapathy Homa + Saraswathy Homa + Vidya Rajagopala Homa + Medha Dakshinamurthy Homa + Budha (Mercury) Homa



This Homa can be performed praying to seek success for your child in exams.

You will be enrolled for Ganapathy Homa + Saraswathy Homa + Vidya Rajagopala Homa + Medha Dakshinamurthy Homa + Budha (Mercury) Homa on the same day.


Suggested frequency

  • Just once on the first day of the exam.
  • Every day throughout the period of exams.


Why we suggest repeating the Puja


A Puja can either be conducted as a detailed ceremony once or as brief, repeated pujas over a period.

Repeating Vedic Pujas can be more effective than performing an elaborate puja just once, you can consider the following points:

  • Repetition Reinforces Intentions: Repetition helps reinforce your  intentions, creating a stronger spiritual connection over time. It can deepen your focus and commitment, amplifying the puja''s impact.
  • Building Spiritual Discipline: Repeated pujas contribute to the development of spiritual discipline, fostering a sense of dedication and devotion.
  • Incremental Accumulation of Positive Energy: Repeating pujas regularly can lead to a gradual accumulation of positive energy, creating a sustained and heightened spiritual atmosphere. The cumulative effect of repeated pujas can result in a more profound impact on the individual's l well-being.
  • Consistent Alignment with Cosmic Rhythms: Vedic pujas often align with cosmic rhythms, and regular practice ensures continuous alignment with these cosmic forces, enhancing the ritual's effectiveness. Repetition can synchronize your energy with the natural cycles, creating a harmonious resonance.
  • Strengthening Spiritual Resonance: Repeated pujas create a resonance within you fostering a harmonious connection with the spiritual realm. Regular engagement helps in attuning the individual to the subtle energies involved in the puja, leading to a more potent spiritual experience. 
  • Cultivating Patience and Perseverance: The discipline of repeated pujas fosters patience and perseverance, essential qualities for growth.


Please note -

  1. This is a Puja done with public participation and not exclusively for you.
  2. When you enroll, you are also making a part contribution towards the conduct of this Homa.
  3. All daily Homas are performed in a single session, one after another. Watch the video below to know how the daily Homa is performed.
  4. Videos of Pujas will be available for viewing Videos section once they are uploaded. Look for the video of your puja date under the Live or Videos tab. This is subject to technical factors.
  5. Sankalpa will not be shown in the video. This is because your privacy and confidentiality of your personal prayers are important to us.
  6. Vibhuti prasada is sent by ordinary post within India.


Final exam results are crucial in -


  • Admission to Higher Studies
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Career Advancement


Students often face various challenges and stressors during the crucial 10th board exams in India. Some common problems include:


  1. Exam Stress and Anxiety: The pressure to perform well can lead to heightened stress and anxiety. Fear of failure, parental expectations, and societal pressure can contribute to increased stress levels, affecting a student's mental well-being.
  2. Time Management: Balancing the vast syllabus with limited time can be challenging. Students may struggle to prioritize subjects, allocate study time effectively, and manage their schedule to cover all topics adequately.
  3. Peer Pressure: Comparison with classmates and the desire to match or surpass their achievements can create unnecessary stress. Peer pressure to excel in exams can negatively impact a student's mental health and confidence.
  4. Parental Expectations: High expectations from parents can contribute to stress. While parental support is essential, unrealistic expectations can create additional pressure on students.
  5. Health Issues: Extended hours of studying, irregular sleep patterns, and poor nutrition can lead to health issues. Lack of physical activity and inadequate self-care can affect a student's overall well-being during the exam period.
  6. Fear of the Unknown: Uncertainty about exam patterns, questions, and fear of unexpected challenges can add to the stress. Lack of clarity on the evaluation criteria or exam format can create anxiety.
  7. Subject Difficulty: Some students may find specific subjects challenging, leading to a lack of confidence and increased stress. Difficulty in understanding certain concepts or topics can hinder effective preparation.
  8. Distractions: External distractions, such as social media, electronic devices, and peer interactions, can divert a student's focus from studies. Creating a conducive study environment can be challenging.
  9. Lack of Resources: Insufficient study materials, outdated textbooks, or limited access to resources can impede effective preparation. Students in rural or economically disadvantaged areas may face additional challenges.
  10. Exam Phobia: Some students may experience exam phobia or test anxiety, which can negatively impact their performance. This fear may be irrational but can significantly affect a student's ability to perform well.


Why divine blessings are important during this crucial exam


  • Seeking Guidance: Divine blessings are a way to request assistance and clarity during exams, helping students make wise decisions and perform to the best of their abilities.
  • Comfort and Assurance: Divine blessings can provide comfort and assurance to students facing exams. Believing that a higher power is watching over them can alleviate anxiety and offer a sense of protection and support.
  • Faith and Trust: Seeking divine blessings reflects faith and trust in a higher power. This faith can be a source of strength, helping to navigate challenges with a sense of purpose and confidence.
  • Coping with Stress: Exams often come with stress and pressure. Divine blessings are sought as a means of coping with stress, as one can find solace that their efforts are being guided and supported by a higher force.
  • Gratitude and Humility: Seeking divine blessings can be an expression of gratitude and humility recognizing that success is not solely dependent on their efforts but also on divine grace.
  • Purpose and Meaning: Believing in divine blessings can provide students with a sense of purpose and meaning during exams. They may see their academic pursuits as aligned with a higher purpose and view exams as opportunities for personal growth and development.



What all you should pray for -


  1. Clarity of Mind: Pray for a clear and focused mind during the exam, allowing you to think critically and recall information accurately.
  2. Memory Retention: Request assistance in retaining the information studied and recalling it effectively during the exam.
  3. Understanding and Comprehension: Ask for the ability to understand and comprehend complex concepts and questions presented in the exam.
  4. Time Management: Seek guidance in managing time efficiently during the exam, enabling you to allocate sufficient time to each question.
  5. Confidence: Pray for confidence in your abilities and the belief that you have prepared adequately for the exam.
  6. Calmness and Relaxation: Request a sense of calmness and relaxation to help alleviate stress and nervousness during the exam.
  7. Focus and Concentration: Seek assistance in maintaining focus and concentration throughout the duration of the exam.
  8. Problem-Solving Skills: Pray for the ability to approach problems and questions with a clear and logical mindset, facilitating effective problem-solving.
  9. Creativity: Ask for creativity in expressing ideas and solutions, especially in subjects that involve essays or creative thinking.
  10. Health and Well-being: Request good health and well-being, as physical and mental health are crucial for optimal exam performance.
  11. Positive Mindset: Pray for a positive mindset that allows you to overcome challenges and view difficulties as opportunities for growth.
  12. Divine Guidance: Seek guidance asking for divine wisdom to navigate the exam successfully.
  13. Support from Family and Friends: Request blessings for support from family and friends, both emotionally and practically, throughout the exam period.
  14. Wisdom in Answering Questions: Ask for wisdom in answering exam questions, making informed choices and demonstrating your understanding of the material.
  15. Emotional Resilience: Pray for emotional resilience to handle any unexpected challenges or setbacks during the exam.
  16. Fair Evaluation: Request a fair and just evaluation of your efforts, with the hope that your hard work will be reflected in the results.
  17. Post-Exam Peace: Pray for peace of mind after the exam, trusting that you have done your best and leaving the outcome to unfold as it may.

How to pray for success in the 10th exam


Oh [Take the name of your favorite God/Goddess here]

As I approach this crucial exam, I come before you with a humble heart and a seeking spirit. I offer my gratitude for the opportunity to learn and be tested, recognizing the blessings of education.

Grant me, I pray, the clarity of mind to understand and comprehend the topics I have studied. May my memory be sharp, allowing me to recall information accurately and apply it to the questions before me.

Guide me in effective time management so that I may allocate my time wisely to each question, and help me maintain focus and concentration throughout the exam.

Instill in me a sense of confidence in my abilities, and may I approach challenges with a positive mindset, viewing difficulties as opportunities for growth.

Bless me with good health and well-being, recognizing the importance of physical and mental strength during this period. Grant me emotional resilience to handle any stress or setbacks that may arise.

I seek your wisdom to approach problems with a clear and logical mindset, and creativity to express my ideas when needed.

I ask for your support from family and friends, both emotionally and practically. Surround me with a network of love and encouragement.

May the evaluation of my efforts be fair and just, and let the results reflect the hard work and dedication I have put into my studies.

After  the exam, may I find peace of mind, trusting that I have done my best and learning from any mistakes made during the process.

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