Shanti Homa - Frequent injuries



This Homa can be performed seeking divine intervention if someone is getting frequent injuries.

Mangal (Mars) Shanti Homa + Ketu Shanti Homa + Mrityunjaya Homa

We do this Homa every day.

You can select the frequency as you want.

  • Just once on a date of your choice
  • A few consecutive days
  • Once a week for a few weeks
  • Once a month on your nakshatra / any other day for a few months.


Suggested frequency

  • 7 consecutive days for issues if you are facing some challenge
  • Every Tuesday for 6 months
  • Once a month on nakshatra / any other day for 6 months or 1 year


Why we suggest repeating the Puja


A Puja can either be conducted as a detailed ceremony once or as brief, repeated pujas over a period.

Repeating Vedic Pujas can be more effective than performing an elaborate puja just once, you can consider the following points:

  • Repetition Reinforces Intentions: Repetition helps reinforce your  intentions, creating a stronger spiritual connection over time. It can deepen your focus and commitment, amplifying the puja''s impact.
  • Building Spiritual Discipline: Repeated pujas contribute to the development of spiritual discipline, fostering a sense of dedication and devotion.
  • Incremental Accumulation of Positive Energy: Repeating pujas regularly can lead to a gradual accumulation of positive energy, creating a sustained and heightened spiritual atmosphere. The cumulative effect of repeated pujas can result in a more profound impact on the individual's l well-being.
  • Consistent Alignment with Cosmic Rhythms: Vedic pujas often align with cosmic rhythms, and regular practice ensures continuous alignment with these cosmic forces, enhancing the ritual's effectiveness. Repetition can synchronize your energy with the natural cycles, creating a harmonious resonance.
  • Strengthening Spiritual Resonance: Repeated pujas create a resonance within you fostering a harmonious connection with the spiritual realm. Regular engagement helps in attuning the individual to the subtle energies involved in the puja, leading to a more potent spiritual experience. 
  • Cultivating Patience and Perseverance: The discipline of repeated pujas fosters patience and perseverance, essential qualities for growth.


Please note -

  1. This is a Puja done with public participation and not exclusively for you.
  2. When you enroll, you are also making a part contribution towards the conduct of this Homa.
  3. All daily Homas are performed in a single session, one after another. Watch the video below to know how the daily Homa is performed.
  4. Videos of Pujas will be available for viewing Videos section once they are uploaded. Look for the video of your puja date under the Live or Videos tab. This is subject to technical factors.
  5. Sankalpa will not be shown in the video. This is because your privacy and confidentiality of your personal prayers are important to us.
  6. Vibhuti prasada is sent by ordinary post within India.


This Puja can be helpful for -

Children -

  • Falls: Falls are a leading cause of injury in children. They can happen while playing, climbing, or simply running.
  • Burns and Scalds: Children may accidentally touch hot surfaces, spill hot liquids, or come into contact with hot objects, leading to burns and scalds.
  • Cuts and Bruises: Minor injuries like cuts, scrapes, and bruises are common, often resulting from playing or accidental contact with objects.
  • Strains and Sprains: Active play and sports activities can lead to strains and sprains, particularly in joints and muscles.
  • Fractures: Broken bones can occur from falls, sports injuries, or accidents. Children's bones are still developing, so fractures may require specialized care.
  • Sports Injuries: Children involved in sports may experience injuries such as fractures, sprains, or concussions.
  • Playground Injuries: Playground equipment can pose risks, leading to injuries like fractures, bruises, or even more severe injuries if proper safety measures are not in place.
  • Bicycle Injuries: Riding bicycles without protective gear or in unsafe areas can result in injuries, including cuts, bruises, or more serious accidents.
  • Choking and Ingestion: Young children are prone to putting objects in their mouths, increasing the risk of choking or ingesting harmful substances.
  • Animal Bites and Scratches: Interactions with pets or encounters with wild animals can result in bites or scratches, which may lead to infections.
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: If not properly restrained in car seats or seat belts, children can be at risk of injury in motor vehicle accidents.
  • Water bodies: Supervision is crucial around water. Children can be at risk in pools, bathtubs, or open bodies of water.
  • Poisoning: Accidental ingestion of household products, medications, or toxic substances can lead to poisoning.


Adults - 


  • Sprains and Strains: Overexertion or sudden movements can lead to sprains (injuries to ligaments) and strains (injuries to muscles or tendons).
  • Back Injuries: Poor posture, heavy lifting, or accidents can contribute to back injuries, such as strains, sprains, or herniated discs.
  • Fractures: Broken bones can result from falls, sports injuries, car accidents, or other traumatic events.
  • Cuts and Abrasions: Accidental cuts, abrasions, or puncture wounds can occur during various activities or accidents.
  • Burns: Exposure to hot surfaces, flames, chemicals, or hot liquids can cause burns.
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI): Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis can develop from repetitive motions or prolonged use of specific body parts.
  • Joint Injuries: Damage to joints can occur due to accidents, overuse, or conditions like arthritis.
  • Sports Injuries: Participation in sports or physical activities can lead to injuries such as sprains, fractures, or muscle strains.
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: Car accidents can result in various injuries, including whiplash, fractures, and internal injuries.
  • Head Injuries: Falls, accidents, or blunt force trauma can lead to head injuries, ranging from concussions to more severe traumatic brain injuries.
  • Occupational Injuries: Depending on the nature of their work, adults may be at risk of injuries related to machinery, falls, or exposure to hazardous substances.
  • Sprained Ankles: Common in activities involving walking, running, or sports.
  • Ligament Tears: Injuries to ligaments can happen during sports or accidents.


Pray for -


  • Ask for strength and self-control to avoid risky behaviors or situations that may lead to injuries.
  • Pray for protection during daily activities, such as commuting, work, and recreational pursuits.
  • Request divine intervention to shield you from accidents and unexpected dangers.
  • Ask for increased awareness and mindfulness in daily actions to prevent accidents and injuries.
  • Pray for a clear mind to make thoughtful decisions that prioritize safety.
  • If you engage in sports or physical activities, pray for protection and strength to avoid injuries.
  • Request guidance to use proper equipment and follow safety guidelines.
  • Pray for safety within your home environment, asking for protection from accidents and hazards.
  • Seek divine guidance in childproofing homes and creating safe spaces.
  • Ask for the strength to encourage and promote safety practices within your community.
  • Seek continued blessings for good health and the ability to prevent injuries.



Say this prayer on the day of your puja -


Oh [add the name of your favorite God/Goddess here]

We come before You with a heart full of gratitude, seeking Your guidance and protection. Grant us the strength and self-control to resist risky behaviors that might lead to harm. We surrender our daily activities to Your care, praying for Your protective hand during commuting, work, and recreational pursuits.

Please intervene divinely to shield us from accidents and unexpected dangers. May Your presence grant us increased awareness and mindfulness in our actions, preventing accidents and injuries. Bestow upon us a clear mind, that we may make thoughtful decisions that prioritize safety in every aspect of our lives.

As we engage in sports and physical activities, we implore Your protection and strength, guiding us to use proper equipment and adhere to safety guidelines. Safeguard our home from accidents and hazards. Grant us divine wisdom in childproofing our home and creating safe spaces. Bless us with continued good health and the ability to prevent injuries.

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