Mangal (Mars) Shanti Homa + Rahu Shanti Homa + Ketu Shanti Homa



This Homa can be performed seeking divine intervention if you are facing disobedience, indiscipline, and rebellion from your children.

Mangal (Mars) Shanti Homa + Rahu Shanti Homa + Ketu Shanti Homa

We do this Homa every day.

You can select the frequency as you want.

  • Just once on a date of your choice
  • A few consecutive days
  • Once a week for a few weeks
  • Once a month on your nakshatra / any other day for a few months.


Suggested frequency

  • 11 consecutive days for issues when the problem is intense
  • Every Tuesday for 6 months
  • Once a month on nakshatra / any other day for 6 months or 1 year


Why we suggest repeating the Puja


A Puja can either be conducted as a detailed ceremony once or as brief, repeated pujas over a period.

Repeating Vedic Pujas can be more effective than performing an elaborate puja just once, you can consider the following points:

  • Repetition Reinforces Intentions: Repetition helps reinforce your  intentions, creating a stronger spiritual connection over time. It can deepen your focus and commitment, amplifying the puja''s impact.
  • Building Spiritual Discipline: Repeated pujas contribute to the development of spiritual discipline, fostering a sense of dedication and devotion.
  • Incremental Accumulation of Positive Energy: Repeating pujas regularly can lead to a gradual accumulation of positive energy, creating a sustained and heightened spiritual atmosphere. The cumulative effect of repeated pujas can result in a more profound impact on the individual's l well-being.
  • Consistent Alignment with Cosmic Rhythms: Vedic pujas often align with cosmic rhythms, and regular practice ensures continuous alignment with these cosmic forces, enhancing the ritual's effectiveness. Repetition can synchronize your energy with the natural cycles, creating a harmonious resonance.
  • Strengthening Spiritual Resonance: Repeated pujas create a resonance within you fostering a harmonious connection with the spiritual realm. Regular engagement helps in attuning the individual to the subtle energies involved in the puja, leading to a more potent spiritual experience. 
  • Cultivating Patience and Perseverance: The discipline of repeated pujas fosters patience and perseverance, essential qualities for growth.


Please note -

  1. This is a Puja done with public participation and not exclusively for you.
  2. When you enroll, you are also making a part contribution towards the conduct of this Homa.
  3. All daily Homas are performed in a single session, one after another. Watch the video below to know how the daily Homa is performed.
  4. Videos of Pujas will be available for viewing Videos section once they are uploaded. Look for the video of your puja date under the Live or Videos tab. This is subject to technical factors.
  5. Vibhuti prasada is sent by ordinary post within India.
  6. Sankalpa will not be shown in the video. This is because your privacy and confidentiality of your personal prayers are important to us.


This Puja can be helpful if you are facing from your child-


  • Defiance of rules
  • Lack of respect for authority
  • Disregard for established routines
  • Failure to follow instructions
  • Difficulty in adhering to schedules
  • Inconsistent completion of tasks
  • Lack of self-control
  • Disorganization
  • Forgetfulness
  • Inability to stay focused
  • Ignoring parental directives
  • Refusing to comply with household rules
  • Opposition to parental guidance
  • Resistance to completing chores
  • Ignoring consequences for actions
  • Disobedience at school or in public settings
  • Non-compliance with requests from teachers or caregivers
  • Ignoring safety instructions
  • Defiance of societal norms
  • Open defiance of parental authority
  • Challenging parental values and beliefs
  • Rejecting family traditions
  • Engaging in risky behaviors as an act of defiance
  • Forming alliances against parental rules
  • Seeking independence prematurely
  • Rejecting societal norms and expectations
  • Experimentation with substances or activities against parental wishes
  • Resistance to parental involvement in personal life
  • Questioning or challenging established norms and rules


How it can affect you -


  • Communication Breakdown: Rebellion can lead to breakdowns in communication, making it difficult for parents to understand their children's thoughts and feelings.
  • Strained Relationships: Ongoing disobedience may strain the parent-child relationship, causing emotional distance and tension within the family.
  • Conflict and Tension: Constant conflicts arising from indiscipline can create a tense atmosphere at home, impacting the overall well-being of both parents and children.
  • Academic Issues: Indiscipline may manifest in academic settings, leading to poor performance, truancy, or disciplinary problems at school.
  • Social Challenges: Rebellious behavior can affect a child's relationships with peers, potentially leading to social isolation or negative influences.
  • Stress for Parents: Dealing with disobedient children can be emotionally draining for parents, causing stress, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy.
  • Impact on Siblings: Indiscipline can also affect siblings, causing tension and influencing their behavior.
  • Legal Issues: In extreme cases, rebellious behavior may lead to legal problems, such as involvement with law enforcement or legal authorities.
  • Mental Health Concerns: Both parents and children may experience increased stress, anxiety, or depression due to ongoing challenges with disobedience and rebellion.
  • Future Concerns: Parents may worry about the long-term impact of indiscipline on their children's development, success, and ability to form healthy relationships in adulthood.


Pray for -


  • Positive transformation in your child's behavior and mindset.
  • Patience to handle challenging moments with calmness and understanding.
  • Ask for wisdom to make sound decisions in disciplining and guiding your child.
  • Seek guidance on the best approaches to understand and address your child's behavior.
  • Pray for open and effective communication with your child, fostering a healthy dialogue.
  • Request the insight to listen actively and communicate your concerns in a constructive manner.
  • Pray for the healing of strained relationships within the family.
  • Seek ways to strengthen the bond between parents and children.
  • Ask for opportunities for both parents and children to learn and grow through the challenges.
  • Pray for an abundance of love and compassion to guide your interactions with your child.
  • Seek the strength to respond with love even in difficult situations.
  • Pray for the strength to set appropriate and consistent boundaries for your child.
  • Ask for guidance in finding a balance between discipline and understanding.
  • Pray for the presence of a supportive network of friends, family, or professionals to assist you.
  • Seek strength in reaching out for help when needed.
  • Pray for calmness and resilience during challenging moments.
  • Ask for the ability to stay composed and focused on solutions rather than succumbing to frustration.
  • Pray for hope, trusting that positive change is possible.
  • Seek faith in your child's potential for growth and development.



Say this prayer on the day of your puja -


Oh [add the name of your favorite God/Goddess here]

I humbly approach you to cast your benevolent gaze upon my disobedient, indisciplined, and rebellious child.

Grant unto my child, the transformative power of your divine light. May your cosmic energy penetrate his/her heart and soul, illuminating the path towards righteousness and understanding. Guide him/her through the shadows of defiance, leading him/her towards the radiant realm of discipline and virtue.

Shape the character of my child with the wisdom to discern right from wrong. Infuse him/her spirit with the strength to embrace discipline as a source of growth and self-discovery. May the rebellious currents within him/her be redirected, transforming into a force that propels him/her towards a purposeful and righteous life.

Instill in my child a sense of duty and responsibility. May he/she recognize the profound connection between discipline and the harmonious order of the universe. Guide him/her to walk the path of righteousness, respecting authority and understanding the value of self-control.

In your divine presence, may my child find the inspiration to mend their ways, to rise above the challenges that have veiled his/her true potential. As the preserver of balance, restore harmony within our family, and let the transformative journey begin within the very essence of my beloved child.

May your cosmic energy envelop him/her, leading to a rebirth of spirit, character, and purpose. With unwavering faith, I entrust my child's transformation to your divine grace.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti


Some practical suggestions -


  • Open Communication: Foster open and non-judgmental communication with your child. Create a safe space for them to express their thoughts and feelings.
  • Active Listening: Practice active listening to understand your child's perspective. Validate their emotions and show empathy towards their struggles.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Establish clear and age-appropriate expectations and rules. Ensure that your child understands the consequences of their actions.
  • Consistent Discipline: Be consistent in enforcing discipline. Implement consequences for both positive and negative behavior, and follow through with them consistently.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge and praise good behavior. Positive reinforcement can motivate your child to continue making positive choices.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consider seeking advice from a pediatrician, child psychologist, or counselor. Professional guidance can provide insights into underlying issues and effective strategies.
  • Family Meetings: Conduct family meetings to discuss concerns and solutions collaboratively. Encourage your child to actively participate in finding resolutions.
  • Provide Structure: Establish a routine that includes set times for meals, homework, chores, and bedtime. Structure can provide a sense of security and predictability for children.
  • Encourage Hobbies and Interests: Support your child in pursuing hobbies and interests. Engaging in positive activities can channel their energy and provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate the values and behaviors you wish to instill in your child. Be a positive role model in how you handle challenges and conflicts.
  • Teach Problem-Solving Skills: Help your child develop problem-solving skills. Encourage them to think through consequences before making decisions.
  • Connect Emotionally: Strengthen the emotional bond between you and your child. Spend quality time together, engage in activities they enjoy, and show genuine interest in their lives.
  • Counseling for the Family: Family counseling can provide a supportive environment for addressing underlying issues and improving communication within the family.
  • Encourage Responsibility: Gradually increase your child's responsibilities. This can instill a sense of accountability and contribute to their personal growth.

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